Our Quality Policy
The following Policy is made available to the Public and Interested Parties on request. The Quality
policy is written to comply with all standards listed in the Standards Adherence Document, this
includes Door supervision and static guarding
Media Securities Ltd undertakes to follow professional best practice, to meet the customers’
requirements and to meet the requirements of all relevant statutory regulations including British &
European Standards.
The company works to a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of International
Standard ISO 9001 which assists the company in maintaining their commitment to high technical
standard, customer focus and excellence in all management and administration tasks
Significant quality, environmental and health & safety aspects shall be identified by carrying out
initial reviews and audits.
Our head office operates from Pontefract however our reach for contracts can range
regionally and we are happy to offer all services across the country.
Non-Applicable Clauses
Due to the nature of the business as a security service provider including but not limited to the
provision of static guarding and door supervision services as the main revenue generating activates
point generating activities of ISO 9001 point (Calibration) is excluded from the scope of the
compliance management system.
The management team, in conjunction with the individual process owners, then agree appropriate
objectives and targets that relate to the significant aspects that the organisation controls or has
influence over. Progress against agreed objectives and targets shall then be presented for review at
the regular management review meetings and any changes to the defined objectives and targets
The company’s policies therefore are to:
• Carry out all work to high standards and to always meet or exceed the requirements of the
contract and any relevant statutory regulation;
• Design systems that will have high reliability and low rates of false/unwanted alarms;
• Carry out all preventive maintenances on time and within the industry guidelines;
• Respond promptly and effectively to customer’s requests for assistance;
• Conduct ourselves in a professional and courteous manner in all dealings with customers and
• Continually seek ways to improve the company’s products, work processes and Integrated
Management System;
• Identify and comply with all applicable statutory/legal requirements that relate to environmental
aspects with a view to being carbon neutral and the prevention of pollution in relation to any of
the Company’s work activities;
• Enhance the Company’s Environmental performance;
• Engage and consult with employees and where they exist, workers’ representatives;
• Commit to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related
injury/or ill health that is appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the Company, and to
the specific nature of its OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities;
• Commit to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
The purpose of the integrated management system is to ensure service delivery consistently meets
the needs and requirements of the business and all its stakeholders. The responsibility for the
control and maintenance integrated management system is held by the Managing Director, with
some duties and amendments being delegated to nominated members of staff as required.
The stakeholders of the Compliance management system include;
As a service provider staff are the key resource within the business, and therefore one of the main
links in the businesses ability to achieve its intended outcomes. It is for this reason that all Security
staff engaged with are subject to regular reviews to ensure that policies and procedures in terms of
working practice are being adhered to. Staff are also given regular opportunities to provide feedback
on their working conditions, job satisfaction and sense of employee value held by the company.
These processes are followed diligently to ensure any dissatisfied results are resolved promptly and
prevent any negative impacts being felt by the company or its staff.
Customers are also an essential stakeholder group when considering the success of the business,
without which the ability to generate revenue would be depleted. Therefore, ensuring customer
satisfaction is paramount in sustaining the business and generating continual growth. Regular
feedback is sought via management meetings and monitoring Key Performance Indicators to ensure
services provided are consistently meeting and where possible exceeding expectations and
requirements. Regular meetings are aimed at building and sustaining customer relationships and in
turn giving opportunity for any issues arising to be highlighted at an early stage thus preventing
issues being escalated to complaints which could potentially damage future business opportunities.
The use of suppliers is essential to enable the business to provide and install security systems as
required it is therefore essential that supplied items are of a good quality and fit for their intended
use. This is essential to ensure that service delivery remain hindered by poor quality or inappropriate
equipment provisions.
In order to maintain a strong foothold within the marketplace we must ensure that we monitor and
are aware of the actions and practices undertaken by our competitors. This is essential in order to
ensure working practices and services provided remain at the forefront of the industry. Without his
observation and monitoring of competition and industry practice the business risks becoming stale
and losing the marketing advantages which are currently held.
Media perception and interactions within the business are to be controlled in order to ensure
company image is portrayed in the most favourable light possible. With the growth of media outlets
and their accessibility increasing rapidly in recent years it is essential for opportunities for negative
portrayal and communications of the business by either staff customers or competitors to be limited
and controlled as much as is feasibly possible. Any negative portrayals entered into the public
domain will become virtually impossible to retract and can subsequently cause detrimental damage
to the company image. It is for this reason that feedback gathering exercises are consistently
followed by the company to ensure the satisfaction of all relevant stakeholders.
The above features are regularly monitored with active seeking of feedback from clients, staff and
the consumers of the security services provided by Media Securities Ltd. Internal measures
undertaken include regular internal and external audits to ensure full compliance with both
regulatory and statutory requirements.
Environmental Policy
The Company recognises that the long-term viability of our business is dependent on sustainable
operations. We believe sustainable operations are those that drive efficient resource use and
provide a healthy environment, which in turn facilitates social progress and economic growth. As a
company we therefore strive to act as responsible stewards of the environment and commit to
continual improvement.
To balance these challenging needs, we are committed to efficient and effective practices. We
recognise that sustainability is the collective responsibility of governments, businesses, individuals
and communities and so work in partnership with our employees, customers and suppliers to pursue
this goal.
In pursuit of this policy, The Company has committed itself to the following:
Achieve and maintain compliance with all existing environmental legislation and regulations
Continue to prevent and where practicable reduce pollution loads entering the environment
Encourage and facilitate the interchange of environmentally friendly processes and
procedures throughout the company and promote good practice
Develop our employees’ awareness of environmental issues including this policy
Foster productive partnerships with our employees, customers and suppliers
Take an active and positive role in the wider community, encompassing not only our
neighbours at our offices and our remote locations but the communities of our stakeholders.
This policy has been produced by the nominated representative for quality with reference to the
services and procedures that operate throughout The Company. It is our aim to develop and
improve the QMS as required and appropriate as we develop as a business.
By implementing our Environmental policy, we are committed to the prevention of pollution and the
adherence to all appropriate environmental laws and regulations together with a commitment to
comply with any voluntary requirements agreed with organisations, partners or customers. We shall
establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal requirements. By our efforts
we shall also strive for continual improvement on an annual basis.
We will form a working party and support that unit in its own QMS and with resource to establish
and develop our own Environmental Objectives and Targets. Those objectives and targets will be set
after consideration of the environmental aspects our organisation has and the impacts on the
environment, from time to time those aspects will change and therefore our objectives will be
reviewed. We shall establish and maintain documented environmental objectives and targets both
overall and at each relevant function and level.
Our environmental policy shall be available to the public.
Health and Safety Policy
This Safety Policy establishes the procedures and arrangements for emergencies and the provisions
for the health and safety of all employees, contractors, visitors and others who may be affected by
the acts or omissions.
Media Securities Ltd recognises the importance of health and safety in the successful operation of all
its activities. The company relies on the initiative, teamwork, and active participation of
management and workforce to maintain safe working practices and procedures in order to fulfil its
legal obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations (1992) and all other relevant legislation in force.
All reasonably practicable information, instruction, training, resources, information and supervision
will be provided to ensure that employees and contractors work and perform all tasks safely and
without risk to the health and safety of themselves and others.
Through correct delegation of responsibilities, it is our intention to:
Show a visible management commitment to high standards of health and safety
performance and the promotion of a positive health and safety culture throughout the
Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure that all
employees whether management, staff, supervisors or other employees know and
understand their responsibilities in respect of health and safety, to ensure employees are
competent to do their work.
Make adequate arrangements for the regular assessments of work activities in order to
identify associated hazards and control the risk arising.
Maintain records to allow health and safety performance to be measured and where
possible improved.
Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety
risks in the workplace.
Ensure the maintenance of any workplace, under the control of the Company, is in a
condition that is safe and without risk to health and the provision and maintenance of
means of access to and egress from it are safe and without risk.
Engage and consult with employees and contractors on day-to-day health and safety
Maintain emergency procedures; evacuation in case of fire or another significant incident.
Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and
machinery, and ensure safe transportation, storage and use of articles and substances.
All employees can make a valid contribution to achieving successful health and safety management
and each employee must co-operate with the company to enable all statutory duties to be complied
with. Employees have a legal obligation under section 7 of General duties of employees at work
which are outlined below;
It shall be the duty of every employee while at work to:
Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may
be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and
With regard to any duty or requirement imposed on the employer or any other person by or
under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate so far as is necessary to enable
that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.
In order to maintain continual improvement and development of the compliance management
system and services provided the following objectives will be maintained and monitored;
Customer Satisfaction
Effective leadership
Employee motivation
Continual Improvement
Effective management of the Quality Management System
Health and Safety Principles
Access to adequate resources
Control and reduce Environmental Impacts
Statistical data will be gathered throughout the year and reviewed at last annually as part of the
Management review. Targets will be subject to review as part of this meeting and any areas falling
below target will be raised as a non-conformance and appropriate action taken to correct shortfalls.
Targets will also be reviewed in respect of continual improvement and any areas where the company
is consistently exceeding specified requirements will be suitably amended.
Quality Management system
Our Quality Management system shall establish and maintain programmes for achieving objectives
and targets and these will include designation of responsibility and the means and timeframe of
achievements. When necessary these shall be amended.
Structure & Responsibility
Senior Management is committed to provide the resource essential for implementation and control
of the QMS and has appointed a specific management representative who will define roles,
responsibilities and authority to ensure that the requirements of the QMS are established,
implemented and maintained and that a regular report on performance is produced for top
management review.
We shall identify training needs in order that all personnel whose work may create significant impact
on the business receive appropriate training. This training will include establishing and maintaining
procedures to ensure that all employees remain aware of:
the importance of conformance with the policy, procedures and requirements
the significant environmental impacts, actual or potential of work activities and
environmental benefits of improved personal performance
roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance and including emergency preparedness
and response
the potential consequences of departure from standard operating procedures
All personnel shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and / or experience.
Internal Communication
We have established and shall maintain procedures for internal communication at various levels and
between functions and also for receiving, documenting and responding to communications from
outside parties. We shall also consider processes for external communication and record any
decisions made.
Documentation & Control of Documents
Our established documentation system will maintain information either in electronic or paper form
to describe the core elements of our management system and their interaction and provide links to
related documentation. This documented system has established and maintained procedures for
controlling all documents required by this standard to ensure:
Proper identification and handling
Reviewed and revised as necessary
Only current versions are in use
Obsolete documents are promptly removed to prevent unintended use
Obsolete documents are suitably marked and identified
Operational Control
By our operational control we shall identify those operations and activities that are associated with
significant environmental aspects in line with our policy, objectives and targets.These measures
shall include planning activities, including maintenance to ensure that they are carried out under
specified conditions by:
establishing and maintaining documented procedures to cover situations where their
absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the set objectives and
targets, stipulating operating criteria in procedures
establishing and maintaining procedures related to identifiable significant aspects for goods
and service used by our organisation and communicating those relevant procedures and
requirements to suppliers and contractors
Emergency Response & Preparedness
We have established and shall maintain procedures to identify the potential and for responding to
accidents or emergency situations, and preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts
associated with them.
Monitor & Measure
We have established and shall maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a
regular basis, the key characteristics of our operation and our activities that can have a significant
impact on the environment. These include recording of information to track performance, relevant
operational controls and conformance with objectives and targets. We have also established and
shall maintain a documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with the relevant
legislation and regulations.
Evaluation of Compliance
We have established and shall implement and maintain procedures for the periodic evaluation of
compliance with all of our legal requirements and with any other requirement that we subscribe to.
Records shall be kept of those evaluations.
Non-Conformance & Corrective and Preventative Action
We have established and shall maintain procedures for defining responsibility and authority for
handling and investigating non-conformances, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused, and for
initiating and completing corrective and preventative action. Any corrective action taken to
eliminate causes of actual and potential non-conformances shall be appropriate to the magnitude of
problems and commensurate with the impact encountered. We shall implement and record any
changes made in the documented procedures resulting from corrective or preventative action.
We have established and shall maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance and
disposition of environmental records. These records shall include training records and the results of
audits and reviews and shall be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service
involved. The environmental records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are
readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss. Retention times are
established and recorded and all shall be maintained as appropriate to the system and to the
organisation in order to demonstrate conformance to the requirements of the International
Standard ISO 9001.
We have established and shall maintain programmes and procedures for periodic environmental
management system audits to be carried out in order to:
Determine whether or not the QMS conforms to planned arrangements for environmental
management including the requirements of the relevant standard and has been properly
maintained and implemented.
Provide information on the results of such audits to management.
The audit programme, including the schedule shall be based on the environmental importance of
the activity concerned and the results of previous audits and shall cover the audit scope, frequency
and methodologies as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and
reporting results.
Management Review
We shall at annual intervals review the QMS to ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness and
we shall ensure that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out an
evaluation. This review shall be documented.
Managing Director
For a copy of our Quality Policy, please email: admin@mediasecurities.co.uk